Terms of Website Use


Thank you for visiting the website “https://milovanoviclaw.com” (hereinafter: the Website). Your access and use of the Website is subject to the terms of use below (hereinafter: the Terms) and applicable regulations governing this area. By accessing the Website and using it, you confirm that you have read, understood and that you fully agree with the Terms. However, if you do not fully agree with the Terms, please stop using the Website, i.e., leave the Website without delay.

If you use the Website as an individual, you confirm that you have unlimited legal capacity.

If you use the Website on behalf of a company, other legal entity or organization, you confirm that you are authorized to fully agree with the Terms, on behalf of such company, other legal entity or organization.

Content ownership

The Website is the property of the Law Office Milovanović (hereinafter: LOM). All texts, logos, graphics, photos, audio and video content on the Website (hereinafter: the Content) are copyright works that LOM uses in accordance with the law. Use of the Content, other than as described in these Terms, constitutes a violation of copyrights belonging to the authors of the Content. In the event of use of the Content contrary to these Terms, LOM will protect the rights of the Content authors in accordance with the law, including criminal prosecution of persons who use the Content contrary to the Terms.

Your content

It is possible for you to publish your materials on this Website, express your ideas and suggestions, or to otherwise make certain contents and materials (hereinafter: the Contribution) available to other Website users.

If you decide to make publicly available any personal data or other information on the Website through the Contribution, you do so at your own risk and with the obligation to comply with these Terms.

You agree that your Contribution is not confidential, that you submit it without request for any compensation and/or countermeasure, and that its publication of the Website does not entail any obligation of LOM towards you or any third party.

LOM may (but is not obliged to) shorten, supplement or in any manner modify your Contribution, before or after its publication on the Website, and is not responsible in the event of misuse or distribution of the Contributions by any third party.

You confirm that your Contribution is not fraudulent, not made with the intention to mislead, i.e. it is not in any sense malicious, harmful or in any other way contrary to the law, ethics, public order, good customs or interests of any third party.

LOM does not acquire ownership of your Contribution, but you agree that by submitting it:

  • you give us the permission, without any encumbrance, based on non-exclusivity, without spatial limitation, permanently, irrevocably, without any compensation to you or any third party, to reproduce, distribute, publish, adapt, modify, i.e., amend or use in any other manner, analyse and use the Contribution, in any format and by using any media, for any purposes in accordance with the law, ethics, public order and good customs.
  • you confirm that you have all rights to make the Contribution available to us in accordance with these Terms.

If we receive a complaint pertaining to your Contribution, you agree that we have unlimited right to (without prior or subsequent notification) examine the allegations and merits of the received complaint, and to remove your Contribution from the Website if we deem it appropriate. You also agree that you will provide us all necessary and reasonable assistance, should we request it from you, to respond to the received complaint regarding the Contribution.

Website use

The Content of the Website, i.e., its corresponding parts, do not constitute legal advice, nor can they be interpreted and used in that manner. The Content of the Website represents only general consideration of the professional areas and topics it deals with. The application of laws and other regulations, as well as their effect, is conditioned by specific circumstances and facts related to each individual case. In that sense, the Content of the Website, i.e., its corresponding parts, do not represent a substitute for consulting us, or other legal advisors, before any business decision has been made on undertaking or refraining from taking any action.

Considering the dynamics of passing and changing laws and other regulations, there is a possibility that the Content of the Website, i.e., its corresponding parts will be out of date, insufficiently accurate or inaccurate, despite our efforts to make the Content of the Website accurate, up-to-date and based on reliable sources.

Amendments to the Content can be made periodically, at any time, without the obligation of prior or subsequent notification of the Website user. LOM is not obliged to regularly update information on the Website.

When using the Website, you are obliged to:

  • not publish, not transmit or otherwise make available via the Website, or in relation to the Website, any materials or contents that can be illegal or contrary to public order and ethics, or inappropriate, malicious, discriminatory, aimed at disrupting the functioning of the Website or aimed at any other misuse thereof;
  • not to publish, transmit or otherwise make available via the Website, or in relation to the Website, any materials or contents protected as copyrights or other form of intellectual property, without prior and express consent of the author or other holder of the intellectual property rights;
  • not use the Website for any commercial purposes;
  • not misuse the Content through unauthorized copying, in whole or in part, and use for any purposes contrary to these Terms;
  • not to use the LOM logo (in its original form or modified form) or any visual solution in connection with LOM or the Website, or any part of the Content, in relation to any product or service, or in any other manner that misleads or may mislead market participants.

If you do not comply with the Terms, LOM will be entitled to deny your access to the Website, i.e., to undertake other appropriate actions in order to stop the actions that violate the Terms, and to undertake all actions necessary for eliminating any harmful consequences.

LOM does not guarantee that the Website will function without interruptions or errors, that any defects will be corrected in a timely manner, or that the Website is compatible with your hardware or software.


Within limits permitted by the law, LOM excludes its liability for any material or non-material damage, including lost profits arising as a consequence of using the Website, or otherwise related to the use of the Website, or as a result of the inability to use the Website.

You are aware that the use of the Website involves risks of using the internet, particularly risks pertaining to its safe use, technical performances, and risks of interference or interruption of its unobstructed use. In this sense, LOM cannot be responsible for any damage, including lost profits, arising in relation to this or any other risks of using the internet.

Links to third-party websites

The Website may contain links to other websites not owned or used by LOM. LOM does not control and is not responsible for the operation, content, privacy policy or security of these websites. LOM does not control the content, products or services available on these websites. If you establish a connection to such website through a link on the Website, we draw your attention to the fact that you do so solely at your own risk.

Amendments to the terms of use

LOM can amend these Terms at any time. The amended Terms shall be automatically binding for all Website users, who should periodically update itself about the currently valid Terms.


LOM protects the privacy of all Website visitors and protects their personal data. Please read the Privacy Policy section below carefully to understand how we use and protect information you provide to us.

Information we receive from you

You can visit and use the Website without revealing any personal data. Our server registers domain names, and not e-mail addresses of the Website visitors. If you want to receive certain information from us that is not already available on the Website or receive periodical publications, you should leave your personal data by filling out an online form on our Website intended for establishing contact with the Website users. Personal data we receive from you may include your name and last name, address, telephone numbers or e-mail address. We will never ask you for personal data that is not necessary to get the information you need.

Use of received information

We do not use the domain name information we obtain to personally identify you, but to measure the number of visits to the Website, average time spent on the Website, pages viewed, etc. This information will be used exclusively to measure the frequency of visits to the Website and to improve its content. In the event that we ask other personal data from you, e.g., your name and e-mail address, we will request your consent (e.g., by using an online form or via e-mail), inform you about the process of personal data collection, and the method of its use. We will use the personal data you provide to use or that we obtain through the Website solely for the purpose of providing answers to your questions and/or for providing our periodic publications and improving our services, and if you express your consent in the prescribed manner, we can use the obtained personal data to submit periodical publications and other information that we believe may be relevant for you. Should you change your mind and do not want to be contacted in the future, please let us know.


The personal data you provide to us is stored on a server and can be accessed by our collaborators and persons we engage to process data on our behalf and purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, or for other purposes you approved. Personal data can also be accessed by state authorities in accordance with the law. We may also transfer data about your website use to third parties, but this will not include your personal data. Unless so required by the law, we will not make available or distribute your personal data in any manner without your prior consent.

Other websites

The Website can contain links to other websites that are not under our control and are not subject to this Privacy Policy. If you access other websites using the given links, operators of these websites can ask information from you that will be used in line with its privacy protection policies, which can differ from our own.

Use of cookies

Like most websites, this Website uses the so-called “cookies” (hereinafter: Cookies). Cookies are small text files that your internet browser saves on your computer, which help you identify yourself on websites during subsequent visits. Cookies are unique, assigned to you and they can only be read by the web server in the domain that issued that cookie. The use of cookies is standard practice on the internet and most browsers are set to automatically accept all cookies. However, you can always decide to stop using them. You can simply delete them manually or set your browser specifically to work with cookies. Consult the documentation and or Help section of your browser for these procedures. On this Website, we use cookies exclusively to provide you with a better quality of interaction with the Website, for the purposes of statistical analysis and optimization of our advertising on the internet through Google Analytics and Google Ads services. Details on these services, and the set-up options can be found on the following links:

  • www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html,
  • www.google.com/intl/en/policies/technologies/ads/,
  • www.google.com/ads/preferences.

At milovanoviclaw.com, we utilize cookies to enhance the website’s functionality and improve your browsing experience. The usage of cookies is regulated by the Terms of Website Use, and we kindly request your consent to abide by them. By agreeing to the Terms of Website Use, you are also acknowledging and accepting our Privacy Policy, which outlines how we use personal data.